Sunday, January 26, 2025

BVI or Rocks in the Middle of the Ocean


Charlotte and I and our friend Gertie went to the British Virgin Islands in January. It was my idea. After getting home in one piece from our summer cruise in Maine, I thought it would be fun to go on a sailing trip. As opposed to the last two years failed attempts to go to Antarctica this year it would be somewhere guaranteed to be warm. So, to that end I planned a week on a 46’ sailboat and to be cautious I asked for a skipper.


I am not usually the trip planner but other than the air travel (probably the hardest part) I organized the cruise. There were a few hiccups due to their headquarters in Florida being ravaged by a couple of hurricanes, but eventually the payments were sent and the cruise confirmed. 


To be on the safe side we stayed at the Ohare Hilton the night before the 5AM flight to Miami and we arrived in Road Town, Tortola a day early. You all know the feeling: bundled up in down with thickened blood from living in the artic, then stepping off the plane onto a sizzling tarmac with beautiful lilting voices beckoning welcome to their palm tree covered islands. 


It is hard to beat and only 2000 miles from our ice encrusted backdoor stairs. What’s not to like. We checked in, stared out the open glass doors onto anchored sailboats and behemoth cruise liners, and thought of our good fortune to feel warm breezes in January. That night a waterside Italian restaurant was the setting for anticipatory talk of the next day’s adventure. I even had a Negroni, a thing I have never ordered in my 71 years thus far on earth. I guess the warmth went to my head even before I swilled the concoction down.


One of the weird things about chartering a boat is that we are responsible for provisioning it. Our brain’s strained at the thought of buying food and drink for three adults for seven breakfasts, lunches and dinners. There were several choices: the market in the marina, the French Deli just outside the gate or the Rite-Way a couple of blocks away. 


My profession has left me with a tendency at having all the right answers and in making decisions without much consultation. Add to this a lack of patience (I blame my Sicilian heritage for this trait) for other’s decision making processes and I went through a bit of a hissy fit. Basically, my traveling companions ignored me and did what they wanted to, which was taking a ride to Rite-Way with a side diversion to the French Deli. 


To push a cart full of food, wine, beer and water engenders odd feelings of satiety and famine. At one moment I wanted to unload half the food and a moment later needed to add a half more. In the end, there was barely any left for the skipper and the boat cleaners to take home. 


The charter began the night before. At 6PM the boat was available to board. Then we were standing on the dock looking at a 46’ of boat pointing out in front of us. I have been boarding boats since I was eleven years old and that fact does not diminish the thrill. It does not matter if it is a rubber dinghy or a Viking cruise ship my stomach is a little off with anticipation. I cannot wait to go exploring. 


Now, here is where things began to go a little wrong. I have expectations and immediately they were not met. The boat was not spick and span. The equipment had seen better days. The cockpit cushion was wrong and the linens were in tatters. The next day I repeatedly tried to get someone to go over the checklist with me. It was sitting right there, beckoning to be checked off and be signed by me and the skipper. But to no avail we loosened the lines and headed into the deep blue sea, after that is, we passed in the lee of two of the largest cruise ships I have ever seen.


We were off, I girded my loins and hoped for the best. And the next seven days were a bit of both. Of course, the boat needed servicing immediately, which delayed the next day’s trip. I began to compiled a list that ended with 16 bullet points documenting the boat’s foibles. 


The skipper though, was a well-mannered local 25 year old who had an encyclopedic knowledge of his natural world. He brought his fishing pole and trolled behind the boat as we cruised. He even caught a bonito and cooked it on the grill with wood he salvaged from the mangrove. We met his nephew, his Uncle Willard and his sister. We were privy to a celebration of a local hero’s premature death complete with an embarrassingly (for us old people at least) suggestive dance competition where two of the participants split a purse of two thousand dollars.


As the week progressed the wind picked up and the weather became squally. Each time I thought to raise the sails the wind was directly in front of us. I have no excuse except for growing spoiled by Carrie Rose’s turnkey operation and my laziness. 


Despite the vagaries of the boat, it was a joy to be in warm water and air. On our day out swimming on a pure white sand beach we each got tumbled in the surf and suffered bumps and bruises. Boy, we were sore the next day. No matter, all is right in the world when the world is green and lush and warm and blue. You ask would I do it again and to that I say yes . . . just not with this company. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Carry On


Due to various orthopedic anomalies, we decided, at the last moment, to risk a trip to and a summer on Carrie Rose. The self-imposed restrictions were: one - to have the boatyard commission the boat and launch it, and two – there was to be no anchoring.


In the great lakes, unless north on the Canadian side of Lake Huron, we mostly seek out a marina each night. Maine is a different story. In Maine we anchor. It can be in a snug cove or somewhat exposed on the backside of an island or nestled between the rocks of an offshore island. While these anchorages usually provide quiet bucolic settings they do at times lead to challenges.


It was these challenges that we wanted to mitigate this year. Whenever an anchor is involved there is always the risk of a disaster. Through hard won experience, Charlotte and I have become adept in the black art of dropping and raising the anchor. That said, I am never confident in the placement, whether it be the depth, the distance from other boats or rocks, or the proper protection from wind and waves . . . I can go on, but I’m even getting bored. So, no anchoring. 

That meant we had to find moorings or floating piers to hang out on.

Our cruising area is approximately fifty miles up and down the coast. The center of which is Herrick Bay where our boat spends the winter. In either direction there are a few small towns and islands that fit the bill. We spent time in Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, Pulpit Harbor on North Haven Island, unexpectantly met old friends in Buck’s harbor on the northwestern end of Eggemoggin Reach, moored off Warren Island State Park in the group of islands that separates East and West Penobscot Bay, and on the mainland in Belfast, Maine.


Each of these locals offered various experiences from not quite wilderness to metropolitan. They are populated with the extremes of aristocratic old money to hard working lobster fishers. We attended Celtic and Chamber music festivals. There were craft shows and used book sales. The only museum we attended was far west on the not touristy side of Mt. Desert Island. It consisted of an eclectic mix of antique cars, motorcycles and bicycles.


But our most enjoyable pastime and ultimate downfall was visiting the farmer’s markets. I say downfall because in our “normal” daily lives we tend towards the monkish. Granted, when home I have a few cookies and Tollhouse chips, and Charlotte indulges in a scoop of ice cream here and there. Mainly our diet is Mediterranean without the addition of once alive protein for dinner, and yogurt with whole wheat bread in the AM.


This went to hell over the summer. Not distracted by the usual stress of anchoring and weather exposure, we languished in the comfort of not worrying about the next day’s destination, about the anchor breaking loose in a storm, about cruising in the zero visibility of the North Atlantic’s pervasive fog (not that we didn’t find ourselves in it despite precautions), or about the various mechanical difficulties that constantly appear on a moving boat.


Instead, we went for short daily walks to the ice cream parlor, the specialty wine shop, the artisan bakery, the fisherman run fish and chip shops, need I go on. Gluttony would be too strong of a word, but I did begin to feel a little gouty and light headed. I did not realize the extent of our debauchery until, on the way home, we landed at a dear friend’s house who willingly gave up her kitchen.


I was driven to bake and cook. Whole wheat bread appeared as did tomato sauce and pesto. Multiple pizzas popped out of the oven. Every variation of vegetable derived pasta was served for dinner. Gradually we recovered from the sugar and fried food stupor we had found ourselves in just a few weeks before.


Now in our 8th decade you’d be forgiven if thinking we should have known better. If this teaches me one thing it is the value of simple unadulterated activity and food. Next year, despite whatever malady beseeches us to limit our pursuits, we will do the utmost to carry on. It sounds a bit Churchillian, but then through his insistence he inspired a nation to carry on . . . Happy Holidays! 


Charlotte & Dean

Friday, September 13, 2024



Our last night on Carrie Rose was spent tied to Atlantic Boat Company’s (ABC) mooring #5 in Herrick Bay. The mooring ball proclaims that the chain/line is attached to a 7500 pound block of granite. For a small motorboat like ours this is a reassuring amount of heft. 


After leaving ABC in June our first stop was Northeast Harbor on Mt. Desert Island. We returned there in August to spend the last couple of weeks in this picturesque village before our season ended. We had decided not to anchor this summer due to my gammy low back over the winter. Thus, we spent the summer on moorings or floating piers at various harbors. 


Northeast Harbor is unique in that they do not take reservations. The harbormaster’s office only responds to mooring requests once a boat is in the harbor. So, when entering, I announce myself on channel 68 (the monitored VHF radio channel) saying that Carrie Rose is a 32’ motorboat a beam of Clifton Dock, a service establishment on the westside of the harbor’s entrance. This prevents the respondent from asking if I am in the harbor. And I often suggest a mooring I wish to be placed on. The office reacts positively to this form of direct communication. 


At the end of the season on the way to Herrick Bay from Northeast Harbor we stopped at above mentioned Clifton Dock. Here we fill the fuel tank and empty the holding tank in preparation to the boat being pulled. Its convenience overrides the fact that it does not have the cheapest fuel prices. The same family has operated it for over a century. It is a classic establishment in both function and appearance


In the few days before departing Northeast Harbor we pay particular attention to the weather. On the way out, once passed the protection of the islands east of Northeast Harbor, the sea can get quite snotty. In an instant the Atlantic Ocean’s formidable NE swell is added to the local conditions. With years of experience, we have learned that cruising is a series of compromises. This day promised dense fog and rain, but light wind and calm seas in compensation. 


We woke to dense fog that slowly cleared only to ghost back in as we left the pier. The fog remained dense for 12 of the 16 miles to Herrick Bay. The new Garmin chart plotter and radar, with a little practice, proved excellent at identifying unseen vessels and other sources of potential collisions. The waters around Northeast Harbor are particularly busy with recreational craft, multiple ferries, lobster and work boats of all types and sizes. To add to the complexity there are choke points where it is usual for all the above to converge. 


Many of the boats that day were returning to the various harbors on Mt. Desert Island. Since they were favoring the inside track, I kept them on our starboard side. This meant they had the right of way. We could barely see Carrie Rose’s bow let alone any of the other craft. To avoid the splotches that represent boats on the radar screen I drove in various directions, sometimes opposite from the planned course. It was stressful. 


Three miles from our destination the fog dissipated. I took the opportunity to run Carrie Rose’s 220hp turbo Cummins diesel near full speed for the last few miles. Various boating cognoscenti recommend doing this to “blow out” the evil substances that lurk in the engine after three months of unhurried cruising through Maine’s bucolic waterways. With the additional horsepower Carrie Rose’s bow rose, steadied and her big diesel purred.


The entrance to Herrick Bay is wide and marked on its eastern extremity by the tiny Blue Hill Bay Light. The shores of the bay are populated by a few homes, mainly of the “away people” variety. It is dark, quiet, and prone to odd weather phenomena. Open to the southeast, I can attest that it gets rowdy when the wind blows from that direction. 


Herrick Bay’s dark quietude is in stark contrast to Northeast Harbor’s frenetic activity. The bay is for the most part unmolested by lobster boats, ferries, superyachts, and every other imaginably small craft. It is a good place to wind down and collect one’s thoughts before packing up to leave for home. And, unlike Northeast Harbor, the bay has the most spectacular sunsets . . . and did I mention, it is quiet. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024




Let’s see, I was born in 1953 and that would have made me 15 y/o in 1968. During the summers before 8th grade and my freshman year at St. George High School I cut grass at Rosehill Cemetery. Being frugal, I saved enough cash to buy the equivalent of a Husky 10 speed bicycle. Granted it was not as sophisticated as my friend’s Schwinn and European racing bikes but it was a workhouse and in the end proved to be expendable.


It was obvious, even to me, that in 1968 the world was in upheaval. In Chicago there were lock downs and a dusk to dawn curfew after the MLK assassination. My family lived on the second floor of a northside two-flat not far from where I live now. Being on the Northside I did not see or experience any of the carnage until a year later when at 16 I borrowed dad’s Pontiac Tempest, and drove to the south and west sides to survey the damage. Probably not the smartest thing I could have done on my first forays driving in the city. 


As I mentioned in a previous posting, I often road my bike downtown. As the time of the DNC neared I noticed that I did not have Lincoln and Grant Parks to myself any longer. An exceedingly odd group of revealers began to populate the parks. It is common now to see tents in the park but then this was unique. I found it curious that the police tolerated the intrusion. 


I began to forsake my ride north and daily ventured south into the mix. Back then the motorcycle cop’s rode pan-head Harley trikes. I distinctly remember them riding through the protestors where an unspoken truce prevailed. Both the foreign invaders and the police could not quite comprehend their roles in what was to play out. 


My daily ride went on for a couple of weeks. The tempo in the park picked up as did the population count. The uncensored goings on were quite a sight for this sheltered north side kid. I don’t remember there being any discussion of this in catechism class. 


It all came to an abrupt end after the riot in front of the Michigan Avenue Hilton Hotel. I had enough sense not to venture south for some time. Summer drew to a close and my bike rides were curtailed by football, track and schoolwork, though I do not remember doing much of that. 


Chicago has never lived down the 1968 debacle. It tarnished the city, the Daley’s and lead to police crack downs and show trials like the Chicago Seven.


My ten speed was stolen two years later in Grant Park at the Sly and The Family Stone concert riot. It was my first taste of tear gas and hiding in hedges to avoid the roving bands of hoodlums who took advantage of the chaos. There is much to be said for growing up in interesting times . . . even if my bike got stolen!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Seagulls are as rapacious as they are comical. They are communal but completely out for themselves. They whine like wimpy dogs and growl like forest beasts. They are magnificent aerialist that relish a stormy wind. I say relish because for days on end I have watched them soar without any attempt to fish. But once they catch a fish all hell breaks loose. 


Their comrades appear out of the sky to do battle. In the aerial dog fights that ensue it is not odd for the catch to be lost to all. I have seen them swallow enormous starfish whole and have watched them pathetically peck at a squirming fish to get only a few tiny scraps of flesh before abandoning the bloody mess. 


Recently, on an admittedly slow day, I watched a big white gull drop mussels repeatedly on a wooden deck. I, bored with the routine, drifted off only to awake and see numerous mussel’s open, their flesh picked clean. 


Seagulls are primed to fly over flat expanses of water, which must equate to shopping mall parking lots. Of course, when over pavement they know better than to dive head first into the asphalt, instead they gently glide in to capture their often as not fast food remnant. 


Once in the southern most Florida Keys I saw a frigate bird. It was larger than expected with a formidable curving beak and thin angular wings. They specialize in absconding with the catches of other seabirds, most commonly seagulls, who are no match for the frigate’s aerial abilities.


Seagull’s like to roost on a nice flat surface to feast. Thus, inspired humans have invented many contraptions for keeping them off boat roofs. Some of these have arms that slowly spin in the wind while making an almost (note the word, almost) imperceptible high pitched squeal that, I suppose, is meant to disturb the seagull’s peace while dining. Others are like a cascade of thin metal wands weighted at the ends that wiggly take up space. And then there are the medieval plastic spikes that commonly cover many urban structures to prevent pigeons from roosting. These find themselves atop super yacht communication towers well out of the way of the casual observer. 


Carrie Rose’s pilothouse roof has a 4 by 6 foot solar panel that is an irresistible destination for dissecting and eating fish. If we are lucky to be onboard, the gull gives away their intentions with several great thunks on the roof. I drive them off but often must despose of a bloodied fish. If we are not in house, we are alerted on our return by the scent of fish, blood and poop.


For some reason cleaning up the mess is considered “boys” work. Charlotte considers that since my profession entailed dealing with bodily fluids I will better tolerate the guts, gore and feces left behind. And I admit that – once again – she is correct. It is all quite comical in the end . . .

Friday, August 9, 2024



In the Midwest we are familiar with storms that diagonally cross the country from Mexico to Canada. They engender squalls, thunder storms and tornados. The one good thing about them, in this age of instant weather apps, is that they are mostly predictable. The storms blow through with much drama causing lots of chaos and then they move on quickly to terrorize another region further north and east. 

Before satellite technology I spent much of my time while sailing on the Great Lakes looking over my shoulder for an unannounced squall. Out east there is the occasional squall. Most of the weather consists of counter rotating low pressure systems. As I write this, a low is stuck slightly west of us and is making its way excruciatingly slow to the NE. As it spins it sucks in a large off shore cloud bank that stretches from Florida to Maine.


The arms of the low are ragged, so on occasion we are dosed with sun and bright blue sky. These hopeful moments are quickly dispelled with one look at the satellite image. The jet stream just needed to straighten out and dislodge the low, sending it to Greenland. 


The next day the weather was crazy. We woke to dense fog. It lifted slowly to reveal numerous anchored boats that had been hidden the night before. The fog proceeded to roll in and out of the harbor, each time revealing a bit more of the shoreline. With that our little part of the world became less claustrophobic. 


All through the morning the harbor’s entrance repeatedly filled with fog. Then as the day heated up the tops of the Camden mountains appeared and then East Penobscot Bay. Ten miles away at Islesboro Island a straight horizontal line of fog appeared between the water and the trees. Variation after variation continued for hours. 


In the early afternoon the sky turned blue and cumulous clouds were ushered in. They thickened and the dark clouds brought intermittent rain. In the far distance there were towering thunderheads, and between us and them all variations of wind swept clouds. In the end, as dinner time approached, the south wind picked up and blew it all away. The night was full of stars. On days like this I wonder what the solar panel thinks is going on. 

Addendum: The triangular rock is called appropriately Pulpit Rock and is the home to a reported 300 y/o osprey nest. It is at Pulpit Harbors entrance. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024


For 18 years I wrote a monthly commentary for the Chicago Shimpo, a Japanese-American newspaper. It was first published in 1945 after WWII ended. It chronicles the Japanese community lives in the Chicago region. At first it was published twice weekly, then monthly, then not at all except for a truncated online version . . . so much for history.


The past and present editions are stored and cataloged in the collection of a university I can never remember the name. So, in a sense, my commentaries will live on. In case you are interested, they are posted at under the name of Thoughts On Japanese Culture.


Except for the first commentary, the titles were composed of one word. That word was the inspiration for the next 500 to 1000 words that followed. At times, with the deadline looming, I would search the recesses of my mind for a word, that word. I always found it. In the many years I wrote for the paper I only missed one deadline and that was because of poor planning and not a lack of inspiration. Unbeknownst to me I had trained my mind to offer up a word monthly. 


Now back to cruising because I am not sure the above has much to do the with what follows. Today Carrie Rose is moored at Warren Island State Park. We often come here. It is one of the islands in the Islesboro Island group that delineate West and East Penobscot Bay. It is spitting distance north of 700 Acre Island which was found to have Maine’s oldest rock.


We can take the dinghy to the park’s dock and hike the 2 mile long circumferential Island trail. Campers show up to the park in all kinds of conveyances: in working lobster boats and large yachts, in tiny skiffs, kayaks and canoes, and a small ferry that arrives on demand. The park is on West Penobscot Bay between Camden and Belfast. The anchorage is often graced by one of the famous vacationer schooners that come to take their paying passenger for a lobster feast on land.


It is a protected harbor in any wind other than NW. A fact that we learned at our peril one sleepless night while hanging on a mooring in a NW storm. Generally, it is a place to hang out, put on bug spray and walk around the island. There is usually the antics of an eagle and an osprey to keep us entertained as we gently float around and around the mooring.


This year both the eagle and the osprey have been absent other than hearing their calls. There also has not been the teaming schools of bait fish swimming and jumping around the boat, and thus, no seals, porpoises and cormorants hunting them. Warren has been a quiet place this year, perfect for searching for that one word of inspiration. 



Tuesday, July 30, 2024



We have been summer cruising on Carrie Rose for at least 12 years and have owned her since 2003. In that time, we have docked thousands of times. It could be for fuel, a pump out, loading water, picking up guests or to dock for the night. We have done this all over eastern North America on lakes, rivers, and the ocean. And in that time, I would think - or wish – I had less anxiety about the process.


The task is not inherently difficult. It is the circumstances of each docking that make it a challenge. Wind, tide, and currents play into the mix as does each dock’s peculiarities. Charlotte and I have developed a system, she stands at the back with the stern line in hand, while I guide the boat in and handle the midship and the bow lines.


My task is to bring the stern in close enough to the dock so Charlotte can attach our stern line to one of the dock’s cleats. Once the stern line is secure and with the help of the engine and bow thruster it is fairly straight forward to tie up the boat.


Maine’s lobster boat fleet set the standard for boat handling, especially docking. Granted they only dock on the starboard side, have a low freeboard that facilitate simply leaning over to attach the mid ship line to the dock cleat, have right turning propellors that swing the stern starboard when put in reverse, and most importantly the confidence to power in and use the boats momentum to help accomplish the task. 


It is a thing of beauty to watch. Whether young or old, male or female the lobster boat captains seem to be born with this ability. In my years of watching these performances they have never missed.


Carrie Rose has many superlative characteristics. One of her short comings is that when put into reverse her beloved Cummins diesel has a tendency to stall. It does this inconsistently, so it is hard to rely on its stopping power. Because of this, I tend to hedge my bet, never a great idea on a boat. A turn of the ignition key and we are back in control, but who needs the drama. 


Now, I admit to obsessing about this. Afterall, I’ve got to obsess about something otherwise I wouldn’t be me. Lucky for us, Charlotte does not have these tendencies. She provides the stabilizing influence that keeps Carrie Rose on the move or at the dock.

Thursday, July 25, 2024




Chicago was a great place to grow up. There were few cars on my neighborhood’s two-way streets. Only the oil and garbage trucks drove in the alleys. For us kids it was an open landscape. We took off in the morning, came home for lunch and dinner, and maybe to bandage a mishap. 


Until 4th grade Aunt Sarah walked me and my cousin to school. The reassuring crossing guard on Lincoln Ave. between Bryn Mawr and California was a big red faced Chicago cop. There was bakery, a sweet shop and a drug store where I bought Hot Rod magazine. The local gang, The Corner, were more a nuisance then a danger.


By eleven years old I had a big boy’s single speed bike and used it to travel 3 miles east down side streets to Montrose Harbor. Once there I helped a friend’s father crew his 26’ sailboat named after a Vietnamese Sea goddess. By eight grade I had saved up enough cash cutting grass at Rosehill Cemetery to buy a 10 speed racing bike. It was a Peugeot PX-10 that weighs 21lbs. I still have it. 


It opened the world up to me. Depending on the wind direction I’d either ride downtown along the lake front or through the northern suburbs to Highland Park. It took me years to notice, that during my rides I had soaked in the natural beauty of Lake Michigan and the intellectual grammar of architecture.


High school, at least the 3rd and 4th years, were an academic bust. That said, they changed my world view and left me with a football injury that I am still nursing. College was another bust, but again it exposed my weaknesses and gave me a direction towards self-improvement that decades later bore fruit.


I apologize for subjecting you good people to a memoir. It was not my intent. While tied to a float in Belfast I became reminiscent as I looked out of Carrie Rose’s pilothouse windows southeast on to West Penobscot Bay. I thought how did I find myself here. Suddenly it seemed important to recognize the process. Afterall, it is the details that make up a life. 


Belfast is a quaint village at the northern end of West Penobscot Bay. We arrived the day before The Belfast Celtic Festival began. The festival is free (donations appreciated), and mainly outdoors. There is one indoor location where workshops are held. This year I attended the fiddle and accordion workshops. 


The town appears to be populated by folk musicians and they fully embrace the festival. Their positive energy is palpable. Though my fiddle expertise comprises of a stirring rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, I found the fiddle workshop’s quirky teacher’s discussion of bowing enlightening. The local “beginners” group managed to learn two songs in the space of an hour. I was humbled.


On the second day of the festival, The Atlantic Challenge began. It is made up of long narrow wooden gigs that recreate the 18th and 19th century boats that were used to transport naval officers around the fleets they commanded. The boats are rowed and sailed by spirited young adults representing 6 countries. From Carrie Rose we could watch the crews compete in sprints, accurate rowing and docking.


For most of the above activities the weather held but now we have entered a Maine Rain cycle. The rain begins aggressively with wind and waves and fog. Then it settles in for several days or like last year, a month. We know it is raining but it is hard to see. It is visceral rather than palpable. I imagine this is the world that far ranging pelagic birds live in. 


One of the things that makes Carrie Rose such a forgiving vehicle is her Newport by Dickinson propane cabin heater. In a couple of minutes, a cold wet cabin becomes warm and cozy, enabling us to hide out, read, cook, complete projects, and of course, write this blog post.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024





If you would have asked me a month ago if we were going to Maine, I’d have told you we would never get there this year. I was wrong. Somehow we drove the 1400 miles to Atlantic Boat Company where Carrie Rose (CR) spends the winter and at 5:10 PM on Friday tied up to floating pier 303 in Northeast Harbor across from Sir Tugely Blue.


It was a miserable winter with left leg and toe pain and to top it off a right ear sewed to the side of my head after a chunk of cancer was removed. Between Charlotte and I we racked up multiple doctor visits, imaging studies and procedures I’d rather not relive. But that said, I/we find ourselves sitting in CR’s pilothouse looking out on Mt. Dessert Island’s iconic Northeast Harbor.


It was a perfect day to travel the 15NM from Herrick Bay (where we keep CR) to Mount Dessert Island. The wind blew but the seas were calm. There was hardly a boat to contend with and there were minimal lobster trap buoys to avoid. That was good because we gifted CR with a new chart plotter/radar/sonar system and it took some getting use to. 


Not to let the new bells and whistles distract me, I mainly used our intact chart plotter to navigate. The new chart plotter is the equivalent of a large LED TV. It is big, colorful and efficient, and almost intuitive. Note I said almost as we needed searched its paperless manual (downloaded to my iMac) to find basic functions like how to turn the brightness of the screen up. Still, I think the transition should be fun.


We were lucky to get here this year, so instead of exploring the many nooks and crannies Maine has to offer, we’ll, for the moment, stay tied to the northside of floating dock 303 and chill.


Buck’s Harbor, Maine