Saturday, June 22, 2019

Rain, Sleet, and Snow

It was a cold winter in Chicago. And it was a cold beginning to spring especially since we went on a Viking cruise to Norway, Faroe Islands, and Iceland. There was rain, sleet, and snow. The Viking Sky gallantly streamed through several gales. Then there were several glorious sunny days in Reykjavik. More sun then they had had the entirety of last summer!

But all is forgiven today, June 22, while I sit on the deck next to Herrick Bay, baking in the morning sun. Here in Maine there is not the midnight sun, it is the forever morning. Sunrise is at four-ish but there is light before. I am awake as the sun creeps into view. It is odd trying to occupy myself for the three or four hours before everyone else awakes. I’d like to think that it is a productive time but it is even too early for me.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Carrie Rose is and will remain on the hard for a while. We decided that instead of camping on her we would avail ourselves of Atlantic Boat’s second story apartment, until they kick us out that is.

To the west, off the deck’s beam is scenic Herrick Bay. I spent close to a month anchored there last year while Charlotte tended to her sickly father. To the east is the boat yard. Its scenery is an acquired taste.

The sun is out, the winds are light, and the temperature is mild; in other words, it is perfect. Would it be better on the water, probably, but it is great here and I will not lament.

Blue Hill, Maine

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