Thursday, July 25, 2019


Morning comes early in Maine. By 5 AM with the sun barely over the treetops, it is bright. The air is clear, barely anything exist here to pollute it. The sun’s rays travel unimpeded and in the process fill Carrie Rose’s batteries with electrons.

It is cloudy this morning. Not rain threatening cloudy but high broken clouds that are slowly moving to the NE. The band of blue sky over Camden will soon be over us.

At 9 AM, I am already four hours into the day and getting antsy. The launch, which will transport us off the water and on to the mainland has been ferrying boaters since 8 o’clock. It occasionally passes by and throws a wake our way.

There are racing sailboats crisscrossing the harbor, sailboarders doing whatever they do, and there are departing cruisers leaving the two red markers, which delineate the rock free passage, to their port.

The sun appears and with a flash, the harbor is full of rusty reds, dark greens, blacks and whites, and here and there, blues. The water is a deep violet blue speckled with dark grey. Polished metal glints in contrast to deeply varnished wood. And throughout these observations, I am thinking it is time to get going . . . . but going where?

With the sun, the pilothouse goes from the 60’s to the 70’s and it is time to lose the flannel shirt and socks. It is summer after all even if we are in Maine where the North Atlantic creeps in with every high tide.

Since I awoke, the barometer has risen two points to 30.00 mmHg. So maybe, the high pressure is pressuring me to get the day going even if in the end it is going nowhere.

Camden, Maine

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