Thursday, June 17, 2021


I began writing this post with detailed discussions of each project that I was confronted with during the 2021 recomissoning. Then I thought better of it. I was bored writing it, so I thought you would be bored reading it. 


In the sense that a picture is worth a thousand words (or at least 500), I have included a photo of the partial project list. I can now report that with most projects completed Carrie Rose (CR) has been launched, and spent a quiet night on Atlantic Boat’s mooring #9 in the middle of Herrick Bay.


There was talk of delaying the launch due to cold rain and fog but when the time came the clouds parted and the sun shone. Wayne, the yard boss, with the help of a large yellow Caterpillar thingy connected to a long hydraulic trailer slid CR effortlessly into the water.


This is a doubtful moment despite the preparation; the checklists; the blood, sweat and tears. As CR touched the water, I scurry to inspect the possible places where water can enter the boat. Once assured that CR will not sink it is time to start the engine. 


On CR the telling moment, when all is right with the world, is seeing water spit out of the exhaust. Ever watchful Wayne would not give the command to heave CR into the bay until he was satisfied with the amount of water expelled. 


Charlotte jumped on and with a little help from the bow thruster we glided back, spun 180 degrees to the south, and headed to the mooring. 


Today, when Sir Tugley Blue is launched, we will head for a spot between two islands in Merchant Row Passage. The anchorage between Round and McGlathery Islands is new to us, so we have done our due diligence. Chart plotter, navigational apps on iPad and iPhone, plus two hard copies of cruising guides to the Maine coast, and finally the above has been confirmed on the paper chart.


And now just before it is time to drop the mooring’s line to head south the wind has picked up to 25 knots. As my mother was fond of saying, “Never a dull moment”.




MarieWoodruff said...

may you have fair winds and following seas

sparky said...

When are you gonna hoist the mail'sl ?