Tuesday, July 30, 2024



We have been summer cruising on Carrie Rose for at least 12 years and have owned her since 2003. In that time, we have docked thousands of times. It could be for fuel, a pump out, loading water, picking up guests or to dock for the night. We have done this all over eastern North America on lakes, rivers, and the ocean. And in that time, I would think - or wish – I had less anxiety about the process.


The task is not inherently difficult. It is the circumstances of each docking that make it a challenge. Wind, tide, and currents play into the mix as does each dock’s peculiarities. Charlotte and I have developed a system, she stands at the back with the stern line in hand, while I guide the boat in and handle the midship and the bow lines.


My task is to bring the stern in close enough to the dock so Charlotte can attach our stern line to one of the dock’s cleats. Once the stern line is secure and with the help of the engine and bow thruster it is fairly straight forward to tie up the boat.


Maine’s lobster boat fleet set the standard for boat handling, especially docking. Granted they only dock on the starboard side, have a low freeboard that facilitate simply leaning over to attach the mid ship line to the dock cleat, have right turning propellors that swing the stern starboard when put in reverse, and most importantly the confidence to power in and use the boats momentum to help accomplish the task. 


It is a thing of beauty to watch. Whether young or old, male or female the lobster boat captains seem to be born with this ability. In my years of watching these performances they have never missed.


Carrie Rose has many superlative characteristics. One of her short comings is that when put into reverse her beloved Cummins diesel has a tendency to stall. It does this inconsistently, so it is hard to rely on its stopping power. Because of this, I tend to hedge my bet, never a great idea on a boat. A turn of the ignition key and we are back in control, but who needs the drama. 


Now, I admit to obsessing about this. Afterall, I’ve got to obsess about something otherwise I wouldn’t be me. Lucky for us, Charlotte does not have these tendencies. She provides the stabilizing influence that keeps Carrie Rose on the move or at the dock.


MarieWoodruff said...

I think that it is very refreshing to embrace obsessiveness and at the same time giving kudos to those who are not.

Marty M said...

Great fun
Docking the Carrie Rose should be a walk in the park after leaning to dock Steve’s Venture 23 sailboat under sail and no motor….
Gosh it’s amazing that we’ve lived this long with some of those earlier years antics….

Merdene said...

Yes it's great having a mate wit a level head smile that balances. Enjoyyy as I am as I read. My health is being challenged and I'm hanging in. My labs low I'm anemic and I'm taking thyroid meds. My reading were high. But I'm getting better now. I slacked up on my dr visit for 6 months while supporting others a no no.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you have found sunshine! As Sarah would say, “take a chill pill Uncle Dean.” 😂 All’s well in Costa Rica… I’m taking detours around wildfires here in Washington and soon, Colorado. Appreciate your watery calm 💦💦💦

Anonymous said...

Yes Marty M we are lucky to be alive.