Saturday, July 21, 2012

North Channel Mandalas

Crooked Arc Cove in MaGregor Bay, Ontario

East-West Channel in McGregor Bay, Ontario

Mind blowing detail!

The Narrows in Baie Finn, Ontario

The Tree in The Narrows in Baie Finn, Ontario

This may require some explanation. Once the anchor is set we look for landmarks to confirm we are not moving. This quick positional reference is useful in case the anchor drags, which by the way is a real drag!

And just for the heck of it, the quartz rock that makes up the Blue Ridge of The La Cloche Range on the northern shore of Baie Finn, Ontario

1 comment:

S/V Asilomar - Stephen Luta said...

Great photos...... when will you be heading back or will you store Carrie Rose up there?