Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Catch Up

We are floating on the end of a dock near the middle of Lake (more like river) Champlain at Chipman Point Marina near Fort Ticonderoga. We came 30 miles from a mooring in Mile Bay out back of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum through beautiful country, almost pulled into the gas dock (they did not answer the radio) to ask if there were any transient slips and were directed to the next pier. Carrie Rose felt sluggish at the helm, and it turned out there was a swift current running against us along with a strong headwind. Charlotte asked if there was a way to get to the fort and we were promptly given the keys to a Scion and directions. I think it may be time to move to a more trusting place!

Anchored at Valcour Island

Valcour Island Sunrise

Following the advice to cruise with the boat you've got

Light House time again

Champlain Bridge

Chipman Point Marina building from 1809

In the lake

Burton Island frog

Yes, we do ride our bikes

Odd moss???

What a view from Valcour Island

Mushrooms love it wet - Valcour Island

Valcour Island

Essex, NY

America the beautiful

All build by Lake Champlain Maritime Museum students

Our loaner

Our ferry

Always good advice

Folk art ferry

1 comment:

S/V Asilomar - Stephen Luta said...

Wonderful to see you two on the move. When do you expect to reach the Hudson River?