Sunday, July 26, 2015


The tugboats below are presented in no particular order. Some are in the Champlain Canal and others in the Hudson River. The big ones are all in the Hudson River south of the Troy Lock.

Once we exited the Troy Lock, we were listening to the captain's chatter on channel 13 and wondering where it was coming from. Suddenly we came upon multiple tugs with their attached barges mostly sideways in the river at the Port of Albany. They were turning around to head south. I announced Carrie Rose's location, and stated we would follow Eva Leigh Cutler out of the port and down the river.

Of special interest is the blue one called Ocean Star. She is from Tampa, FL. and is transporting parts for the new Tappan Zee Bridge. The bridge's parts are being fabricated just north of where we are docked for the night, Coeymans Landing Marina.

Maneuvering around millions of pounds of floating steel, diesel, and whatever else they are carrying is an interesting process. Mostly we stay out of their way!

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